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"As a passionate, on-fire 17-year-old, there was an undeniable zeal from God to reach our schools. It started in high school as a senior when the Lord arrested me by His mercy, which then led to years of campus ministry. Through every trial, test, and victory, I recognized and then witnessed that our schools have the potential to produce the greatest harvest our world has ever seen. Well, actually, it has been done before by the Apostle Paul in the city of Ephesus as recorded in Acts 19. Ironically, few have taken notice that all of Asia heard the Word from two years of teaching in one institution! With the technology of today at our finger tips the opportunity is even greater. With 10+ years of experience and the impact it has already had in my life and the lives we've reached through this ministry, I can confidently say, "This is the ripest field in the world!"

- Mike McGurk Jr.



It was my senior year of high school, and I was slotted to be the starting quarterback on our school’s football team; but God had other plans. It was a summer youth camp in 2008 at the UPCI Virginia campgrounds where God convicted me greatly about my lifestyle. My encounter with Him was not a long wrestling match. A fractured vertebra (L5) in my lower back a year prior, among many other supernatural occurrences, was enough of a wakeup call for me to realize that He was calling me into the kingdom. When God dealt with me about giving up football, although it was difficult and costly, my heart finally screamed “YES!” after years of running from Him!


Once I let go of sports to focus on the call of God, Jesus immediately placed on me an insatiable burden to reach the lost souls at my high school. I made it known to friends and acquaintances that I had chosen Jesus Christ. I would not rest until I told everyone in my high school about the gospel. Due to a radical change in their eyes (even though God had been knocking on my door since I was a child), they came to hear about this Godly experience.


Shortly after going back to school my senior year and witnessing daily, I and some other leaders from my church started a home Bible study for my classmates. Many students attended, which resulted in them tagging the Bible study meeting "McChurch.” The nickname stuck; a decade plus later it is still remembered as such by those I went to school with. Many students were touched by the power of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, and baptized in His precious name. I am thankful for what God did through me my senior year and for those the Lord allowed me to impact. It greatly increased my faith, and it prepared me for the next season of ministry.


Anne Arundel Community College

It was an easy transition from "McChurch" (P7) in high school to campus ministry in college. The goal and purpose never changed; souls were at stake! As a freshman in college I was given the leadership position over the campus ministry at the local community college. At the first meeting there were 40+ students in attendance!  The team that had joined with me was determined to reach this school; they wasted no time!  

Within three short years we saw over 40 students filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. There were also many physical healings and supernatural demonstrations. There was such a tremendous move of the Spirit, even to the point that many in the student government were filled with the Holy Ghost. At one point I was the vice president of Student Government and a fellow laborer Sam (Holy Ghost filled) was the president. God gave this campus ministry great favor and authority on the campus, which is still felt to this day as the campus ministry continues to live on through the next generations. 


University of Maryland

Following the harvest we had at the community college I transferred to the University of Maryland, the flagship school of Maryland. Immediately my team and I hit the ground running, reaching for anyone and everyone we could. We made spiritual warfare and evangelism our sole focus. Within the first few weeks we had a noticeable miracle that sent a shockwave on campus. This is when the battle in the spirit really heated up. Still, we pushed and fought in the spirit to have a breakthrough. 

Our first year we had numerous students receive the Holy Ghost, with a majority of them happening in the college classroom where we held our meetings. This was major, since it was one of the few Apostolic works within the DC beltway and the first time the Holy Ghost was poured out on this particular campus. In the first year and a half (3 semesters) of our labor we fought many battles and saw a few victories. However, heading into the final year and a half for me as a student (3 semesters), we started to see the fruit of our labor in an explosive way. We had guests at every meeting. We witnessed 70+ students filled with the Holy Ghost with major inroads made into the international community and into the surrounding cities of the campus, which had little to no Apostolic presence. 


From the major breakthrough and continual revival on campus our church decided to launch a daughter work with the intent of launching a campus church, a hybrid reaching the campus and city. We continued to see souls getting saved and much favor as the school offered the campus ministry and daughter work the university chapel in the heart of campus every Sunday morning. Due to most of the laborers graduating and Covid-19 shutting down the campus for nearly 2 years we decided to temporarily halt the daughter work. Currently, we are in the process of relaunching the daughter work, my wife and I will be taking over again as pastors. We are excited and have tremendous expectation to reestablish a campus church in the city of College Park, and not only reach the campus but also numerous neighboring cities to Washington DC. 


I have evangelized on numerous campuses across the U.S. while also focusing much of my time on training and imparting to the next generation of campus leaders. I have worked with several colleges and universities, including the University of Michigan, UNC Chapel Hill, Yale, the University of Texas at Dallas, and many others, as well as teaching and speaking in numerous districts nationwide.


I have taught and trained campus ministers internationally at various regional training events held in the United Kingdom, Ireland, German-speaking nations, and Jamaica; while also working with numerous individual campus ministers across the globe. When Covid-19 hit college campuses and resulted in a global shutdown, I felt led to start a MDDC CMI District-wide ZOOM video call training on a biweekly basis, which I am still faithfully teaching. It has expanded to become a valuable resource for campus ministers from many outside areas. I will continue to focus primarily on training and equipping the next generation through the recent launch of the School of Tyrannus, an all-in-one hub for resources and training, which includes a podcast dedicated to evangelizing schools. To God be the glory.

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